To ensure the confidentiality of PHI and other potentially private information sent via email, we have implemented the email encryption service through Zix
To Encrypt an Email:
Add “Zixencrypt” to the subject line or as the first word in the body of your email. The keyword Zixencrypt, starts the encryption process with nothing more for you to do.
The Links below will provide generalized instructions about how Zix encrypted email will work for MHA.
Employee Guide:
If the email recipient is also a Zix customer they will receive the email with no further actions needed. If they are not Zix customer they may need to login to the Zix portal to retrieve your email. The following link can be sent to anyone having trouble opening your Zix email for them or their IT department to use as a guide.
Customer Guide:
Note: It is not advisable to encrypt all of your email messages as it would require every recipient to log into a portal to read the email.
This new system ends the need to use Sendinc encryption web service.
If you have any questions please feel free to submit a support request at